
Dinner Party Basics: Timing and Structure

Dinner Party Basics: Timing and Structure

My parents are hosting machines. Some of my favorite memories as a child involved a giant dinner table with all of my cousins, my grandma, my aunts and uncles, and my parents. Relatives would waltz in and out of the house, sometimes popping in for dinner or right after, settling down around the dining room table as my mom brewed some tea for everyone. Wine glasses and stained corks would litter the table after late-night conversations. To this day, every year when Iโ€™m home for Thanksgiving weekend, my high school friends still congregate at the same table while my parents pop open a few bottles of wine. Everything seemed effortless. You can say I inherited the same hosting gene - but it took me a few tries to achieve โ€œeffortlessโ€.

Over the years, Iโ€™ve found the best structure that works for my sanity. Iโ€™m able to cook what I want without driving myself nuts and I bake in enough time for myself to decompress before guests arrive. Here is a comprehensive timing guideline for a relaxed dinner party.

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Weeknight Risotto Basics

Weeknight Risotto Basics

Risotto is one of those indulgent meals that always seemed too difficult or time-consuming to make. After each failed attempt, I would throw my hands up in defeat and the bag of half-used arborio rice would sit alone in the pantry for months. But after a few more determined tries this past year, I think Iโ€™ve gotten the formula down to its simplest form. Practice a few times but as long as you get the general technique and structure down, you should be smooth sailing.

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Lifestyle/Cooking Changes I've Made

Over the years, Iโ€™ve made a few key decisions in my eating and shopping habits that dictate the way I cook today. These decisions vary from what I use store-bought vs homemade, splurge vs. save, shortcuts I use, etc etc. Often times, these are suggestions or inspiration from others that went on to become a staple in my life. Keep reading for some of these lifestyle adjustments:

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Things I Always Have in the Fridge

Hereโ€™s something you might not know about me:

I love grocery stores.

Seriously. When I was 15, I had double dates with my high school best friend at the local grocery store. These days, if Iโ€™ve had a tough day at work, my husband knows to ask โ€œShould we swing by Whole Foods on the way home?โ€ Itโ€™s a thing.

Thereโ€™s something calming about wandering aimlessly through the produce section, peering at each type of protein in the meat section (for the sales - duh), and poking around for interesting additions in the pantry aisles. I rarely go to the grocery store with a list - instead, I stock up on my essentials and leave it up to that particular store to inspire my next meal. With my essentials in stock, I know I always have something to fall back on for dinner. Here are some crucial items:

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